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Submitted by Editor on

As mistakes go, it is not on a par with the Leaning Tower of Pisa, nor has it brought hordes of infuriated Broughtonians onto the streets brandishing dictionaries and black marker pens.

Many people haven't noticed it, and even those who have generally pass with a half-supressed tut rather than a ten-minute diatribe on the postwar collapse of Scottish education.

Basically, some nincompoop has misspelled 'Cathedral' on the yellow road sign a few feet below the correctly spelled permanent version on the wall behind. It's not the end of the world, no blood has been spilt, it's just ... oh, you know ... it's just typical.

For those who care about such things, cathedral derives from the Greek word kathedra, (kata – down; hedra – a seat or base or geometric solid). The only other 9-letter word we could think of ending in -deral was confederal, but you may know different. If so, please let us know.

[Thanks to eagle-eyed reader Tim Smith for spotting this.]