John Dickie will stir no more
John Dickie (83), founding editor of the Broughton Spurtle (1994–2006), died in the small hours of this morning.
His death occurred peacefully at the Western General Hospital, where he had been ill for some time. Loved ones were at his side constantly as the end neared.
Holiday-related delays, and John’s decision to leave his body to medical science, mean that the timing of funeral arrangements cannot yet be established. We’ll publicise them here when we know more.
Spurtle will publish a full obituary in due course. In the meantime, our hearts go out to John’s wife Eileen and the family.
This is a day to feel sad, of course, but also to recall Broughton’s first hyperlocal spurtle-leggit editor with admiration, pride and huge affection.

[John Dickie – top-left, holding the banner – fighting for causes in the early 1990s. This image from Issue 64, 1999.]